Foreign Mission Trips

“Missionary activity…is the task of all the Christian faithful. It is clear that from the very origins of Christianity, the laity - as individuals, families, and entire communities - shared in spreading the faith.”

- St. John Paul II, Mission of the Redeemer

Foreign Mission Trip Options

Our foreign mission trips take place in the Amazon region of Peru. Mission trip participants will serve alongside the full-time missionaries in a variety of ministries and projects.

There are several foreign mission trip options to select from:


  • General Short-Term Trip (1-2 weeks) - For individuals or groups of 2-40 people.

  • Parish Mission Trip (1-2 weeks) - For groups of 3-40 people from the same parish (ideally with their parish priest).


  • General Mid-Term Trip (1-12 months) - For individuals, couples, or families who want to serve in the foreign mission field for a longer period of time.

  • Discernment Trip (1-9 months) - For individuals, couples, or families who want to discern a possible call to full-time foreign missions.

  • Gap Year Trip (8 months, typically Sept-May) - For young adults who want to take a year off from school either before starting college or between years in college in order to serve in the foreign mission field.

Scroll down for more information on our short-term and mid-term mission trips!

General Short-Term Trips and

Parish Mission Trips

Come for a 1-2 week long mission trip to the Amazon region of Peru (Picota, San Martin) where you will get to take part in the everyday work of evangelization and service with the full-time missionaries. Ministries and projects include visiting the elderly and sick in their homes, assisting with a work project, celebrating Mass in small pueblos (if a priest is participating), and praying with those in need. If you have a special skill, please talk with us about the possibility of working on special projects.

  • Who Should Come?

    Anyone! Singles, families, children of all ages are welcome and encouraged to come!

  • Where Will We Stay?

    You will fly in from Lima to Tarapoto, Peru. From there, we will pick you up in pickup trucks. Depending on the group size, you will stay either in the town of Picota at the pastoral center, or in a house or housing complex located in a small pueblo.

  • How Much Is It?

    You will be responsible for booking your own airfare to and from Tarapoto, Peru. The cost will vary depending on a number of factors: the specific work projects you want to work on, how big your group is, if you want to do any sightseeing, etc. However, we recommend raising $550 per person or $1,200 per family at the bare minimum. Please contact us to discuss options for your trip.

Mid-Term Trips

Are you feeling a pull to serve in foreign missions for a month or longer? Do you want to serve in a foreign country for a gap year? Are you wondering if the Lord might be calling you to serve as a full-time foreign missionary? Come for an extended period between 1-12 months! You will live near full-time missionaries in the and enter fully into life and ministries with them.

There will be time dedicated to:

  • Personal and community prayer

  • Language Study

  • On-going formation

  • Serving in your own ministries that correspond to your particular gifts and talents

Who Should Come?

Anyone interested in discerning full-time foreign mission work, young adults wishing to take a gap year, or anyone wanting to serve for an extended period of time in the foreign mission field. Families with children are welcome and encouraged to come.

Where Will I Stay?

You will fly in from Lima to Tarapoto, Peru. From there, we will pick you up in a pickup truck or taxi. You will stay next to the full-time missionaries in a house or housing complex located in a small rural community.

How Much Is It?

You will be responsible for booking your own airfare to and from Tarapoto, Peru. For a single person, we recommend raising $1,000 a month. For a family, we recommend raising $2,000-3,000 per month (depending on the family size). These funds will allow you pay for your personal expenses and also to enter into the ministries of the post and aiding in the needs of the local people.

Contact us to learn more!