Meet the Missionaries

“We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring home those who have lost their way.”

-St. Francis of Assisi

Our Full-Time Missionaries

  • Wellington Alvardo Chimbo

    Wellington is a missionary from Puerto Misahualli, which is in the Amazon jungle of Ecuador. After he finished high school, Wellington played guitar and sang at his church and helped a religious sister with catechism classes for the kids. In 2018, he started serving in a mission with a priest in another part of Ecuador. His main ministry was serving with the youth group and encouraging them to perform works of charity and do what they can to help the local parish in its needs.

    In 2019, at the age of 21, Wellington came to Picota, Peru to serve as a missionary volunteer. It was difficult for him to leave his home country and Kichuwa culture but the Lord gave him a lot of peace as he went to serve his Peruvian neighbors.

    He served alongside Peruvian and American missionaries throughout the pandemic and 6-month quarantine in Peru in 2020. He packed up and delivered food to thousands of families in 19 of the 23 surrounding towns of the area and then traveled to Lima to help bring food to those living in greater destitution than those in the Amazon.

    After a one-year break, Wellington returned to Peru in September 2022 and serving throughout the following year in the same small farming town of Tingo de Ponasa. This time, he animated the youth group, organizing weekly meetings and bringing them out to serve the needs of the poor in their own community. He used his musical talents to play and sing praise and worship at weekly “alabanzas” (praises) at the church in Tingo as well as at the church in a poorer village 45 minutes away.

    Currently, Wellington is serving once again in his home country of Ecuador. He and his fiancée, Anna, are preparing to be married in May 2024.

  • Jack Putpaña Segura

    Jack has been serving as a missionary since he graduated high school in December 2022. Growing up, he had a religion class at school that sometimes interested him but otherwise his family didn’t practice the Catholic faith that he was baptized in. When Jack was 13 years old, the Erisman family moved next door to him to start the mission in Tingo de Ponasa. Over the years, he spent more time with the family and started going to Mass with them and occasionally visiting other pueblos to visit the sick. He started to search for God more deeply and began to understand better the things that he had been taught in his religion class at school.

    During his last year of high school, he was unsure about what to do after he graduated. He considered going to university or taking a job in the city, but he also thought about the possibility of serving as a full-time missionary. He had been going to church regularly and was participating in the local youth groups in addition to visiting the sick and those in need of prayer. He noticed that with each person he visited, he felt like Jesus was closer to him.

    He decided to pray more about what he should do, giving his options over to God to speak into. He felt the most peace when thinking about serving the Lord as a full-time missionary.

    Jack continues to serve in Tingo de Ponasa and the surrounding pueblos. He visits a poor community every Sunday for their Liturgy of the Word service. He assists with the local youth group as well as the youth retreats and events that are organized by the parish of Picota. He also goes regularly to visit the sick and poor, praying with those in need.

  • Angie Hidalgo Torres

    Angie was baptized as a baby and raised with the knowledge of God. When she was 13, she attended her first youth retreat and saw what it looked and felt like to live in the glory of the Lord. She heard many talks and testimonies from the young and old alike which had an impact on her. The next year, 2019, she was already in charge of the youth group at her school. It was during that time that she went through formal catechesis and received her first Holy Communion and Confirmation in the Catholic Church.

    When Angie graduated high school, she moved to the city to go to nursing school. During her time there, she became distant from Christ and distracted by the things of the world. After three years, she recognized how empty her life had become since she had stopped putting Christ first in her life. One of her classmates, Melissa, had been a good example to her and she started to live more as a Christian again, sharing what she had with others.

    Angie returned home for a few months during a break from university. This became another opportunity that the Lord used to help her follow her calling to serve with a less hard heart. She took time to visit sick relatives and others in need, praying for healing and giving comfort when physical reach was not enough. She found a lot of encouragement from an old friend and decided to trust in God’s prompting to take her final year of nursing school off in order to dedicate time exclusively to serving the Lord through serving those in need.

    Her primary ministries include visiting the sick and home bound and helping with the youth group.

Our Mid-Term Missionaries