
“The mystery of the poor is this: That they are Jesus, and what you do for them you do for Him. It is the only way we have of knowing and believing in our love.” 

- Dorothy Day, The Catholic Worker, April 1, 1964

Help Feed the Hungry

Join us in our mission to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate by contributing to the purchase of food for the poorest families in the Amazon region of Peru.  100% of your donation will go directly to buying food or formula/diapers for families most in need. 

Sponsor a Food Pack

Consider sponsoring a specific food pack tailored to meet the typical needs of a family: rice, beans, spaghetti, oil, milk, coffee, sugar, potatoes, onions, and garlic. 

One food pack costs $40.

Purchase Formula/Ensure and Diapers/Depends

We often get requests for purchasing baby formula or Ensure for the elderly.  Requests for diapers and Depends is also very common. Consider sponsoring a family in need of formula/Ensure or diapers/Depends. 

One can of formula/Ensure costs $30-40.  One package of diapers/Depends costs $16-20. 

Help Buy Medicine

Every week, people reach out to us asking for help with buying medicine.  The medical insurance in Peru doesn’t often cover the cost of the medicines prescribed by the doctor.  Sometimes the prescription medicines cost just a couple of dollars but many times it will cost $30 or more for one medication.  This is extremely expensive for the poorer families as the average daily wage of a manual worker is $16 a day.  

Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference in buying medicines for those in need.

Help with Medical Operations

Peru has a socialized medical system.  Most people have medical insurance and can use it at the public hospitals, however it’s common for people to have to wait for a long time before they can receive the care they need.  Sometimes appointments given for an urgent need are a month out.  Other times people who need necessary operations are told they will have to come back at another time because other people are in greater need than they are. 

Because of this, family members will resort to taking their sick family members to a private hospital (or clinic, as they call it) to be treated promptly and with better care.  Medical insurance, however, does not cover anything done at a private clinic, even if the care was given due to an urgent or immediate need which was denied at the public hospital. 

Medical expenses at the private clinics can be somewhat affordable but it can also become very expensive depending on the care that’s needed. 

One very common request we get is to help with a “pollada,” which is a fundraiser that a family does to come up with the money they need to pay for an operation at a private clinic.  They sell plates of chicken and yuca for an inflated price.  The local townspeople buy these plates knowing that they money they’re raising is going to help someone they know.  The way that we help is by buying the chickens needed for the pollada, which enables the family to make a larger profit from their fundraiser.

A typical pollada is 50 chickens, which costs roughly $270 (it varies as the cost of chicken changes daily).

Help Build our Community Center

Our community in the town of Tingo de Ponasa is blessed to have its own chapel where the Blessed Sacrament is present.  However, the church community doesn’t have a gathering space to host youth group meetings and events, catechesis classes, or on-going formation.  Neither is there a suitable place to host mission trips.  Currently, our mission trips are hosted in the main town of Picota, which is 16 km away on a very rough and slow-going dirt road.

We are in the process of taking an existing one-room building that’s located on the same road as the church and adding on to it.  It will have five bedrooms, six bathrooms, a kitchen and large dining room.  It will serve as a community center for the needs of the church community as well as a place to host up to 24 people coming on mission trips.   

We are still in need of $20,000 in funds to see this project to completion.  We are grateful for your generous donations!